Additional Photos of Camp Billy Gibbons

Campers - 1957

Staff 1957
Front Row: Unknown, Don Buckmaster, Johnny Minear, Leo Buckmaster, Jim Cooper, Unknown
Second Row: Larry Jones, Bryan Healer, Tommy Day, Unknown, Lee Tesson, Pen Barnett

Staff 1959
Back Row L to R: Unknown, Richard Goolsby, Brownwood; Rick Wilkins, Brownwood; Unknown, Tom Pinto, Brownwood; Joe Galbrath, Scout Executive; Bob Slaughter, DE; rest unknown.
Front Row L to R: Unknown, Unknown, Bill Bailey, Stephenville; Unknown, Ford, Cisco; Bob Bain, Stephenville; Lewis Jan Wall, Brownwood; James Smith, Brownwood; Unknown, Unknown, Mike Potts, Eastland; Forrest McGregory, Richland Springs; Tom Cody Graves, Goldthwaite; Benny Rogers.

Staff 1960
Back Row L to R: Mike Potts, Eastland; Unknown, Unknown, Bob Slaughter, DE; O.E. Weinbrenner, Brownwood; Tom Pinto, Brownwood; Unknown, Gary Galbraith, Brownwood; Unknown, Unknown, Joe Galbraith, Scout Executive
Front Row L to R: Billy Bailey, Stepehnville, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Joe Wilson, Brownwood; Lewis Jan Wall, Brownwood; Gary Straley, Goldthwaite; Allen Prithard, Brownwood; Ric Wilkins, Brownwood; James Smith, Brownwood; Unknown
Our Dock
Canoeing has always been popular.
Early Waterfront
1955 Camp Bulletin
Coming to camp
Improved Staff Area
Third Row: Unknown, Tom Pinto, Troy Boone, Unknown, Johnny Minear, Allan Pittchard, Jim Cooper
Second Row: Ray Corder, Dabney Kennedy, Leo Buckmaster, Unknown, Tommy Ford, David Kuperman, Unknown
First Row: Joe O. Galbraith, Bill Bailey, Unknown, Gary Byrd, Bryan Mencer, Jan Wall, Roy Barkley, Tom Cody Graves, last two Unknown

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Our thanks to Ric Wilkins, Dabney Kennedy, Burts Kennedy and Tom Cody Graves for help in identifying the staff members in the 1959 and 1960 staff photos.
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