Yet More Pictures of "New" Camp Billy Gibbons

Volley Ball is a must game
Camp Staff - 1998
Old Timers Visit Camp
Left to Right:  J. Arthur Thomason, Guy Quirll, John Wood and Clarence McKinney
Dedication of Time Capsule
Neal Pepper, Otena Lodge Adviser
The "Pig" for bad table manners
Leroy Forbes Getting OA Lunch Prepared
New Campsite Signs Being Built by OA
New Shelter Just Below Dining Hall
Typical Pit Latrine
The waterfront never looked so good!
Another Camp Staff - Year ??
Bottom row, 3rd from left is Jimmy Wilkins.  Third from right is Oliver Hair.  Top row, 7th from left is Eddie Larner (it's possible that 6th from left is "Uncle" Tom Pinto).  Ninth and tenth from left are, respectively, Marty Lehnis and Jimmy Erwin.  Second from right I think is Lois Gee.

Rare photo of building OA Lodge?

A Week at Camp Billy Gibbons in 1962

Notice the guys in the back row. Especially the fingers behind the adult.

The camp wide meetings were held across the river on the hillside from the dam.

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